2731028073 6981615889 Σπάρτη, Νομός Λακωνίας


Roadside Assistance Mazourani Paraskevi
Express Service - Extra Assistance - Vehicle Towing - Vehicle Transport
- Vehicle Towing - Battery Starting - Spare Placement - Sparta Laconia


Welcome to the Roadside Assistance of Mazourani Paraskevi!

We, our experienced and accomplished staff, are here to support you whenever you need, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the prefecture of Laconia. We deal with any problem that occurs with your car, whether it's a breakdown or an accident, even if you get a flat tire or run out of fuel. Just call us at 2731028073 and we will be right by your side.

We rely on our cooperation with the companies Express Service and Extra Assistance to provide you with high quality services. We have specialized staff and privately owned vehicles in order to offer you a fast service to transport or tow your car to a suitable workshop.


In addition, if you run out of fuel, we are available to bring fuel for you. Also, if you get a flat tire and you don't have the means to replace it with the spare, we'll take care of it for you so you can continue your journey safely to the nearest repair shop.

Our service is addressed to all small and medium vehicles (up to 3.5 tons) in the prefecture of Laconia.

Don't hesitate to contact us for any roadside assistance needs. We are here to help you with our professional approach and provide you with the best possible service.

Thank you for choosing Mazourani Paraskevi Roadside Assistance!